Legal mentions


Company: CDLK Services
Legal structure: SAS with a share capital of 16.000,00 EUROS
RCS (trade and company register): Versailles 794 514 232
Siret number: 79451423200014

Business: 7022Z- Business consulting and other management advisory services
Headquarters: 28 rue du Panorama 78100 St Germain-en-Laye
Website publisher: CDLK SERVICES
Director of Publication: Benoit GRUET
Design: TWID agency
Development: E-LIXIR agency
Photo credits: istock

Our website is protected by copyright. The intellectual property rights applying to the website belong exclusively to CDLK SERVICES. The trademark of the website’s publisher, of its partners and of all the logos which appear on the website are all registered trademarks. The use of this website does not grant any rights. Accordingly, downloading all or part of the texts, images, sounds, photographs, data, trademarks, logos, and more generally any of the website’s content, is strictly reserved for private use only. 
Any reuse, reproduction, distribution, marketing and/or representation of all or part of the content of the website, other than for private use or with prior written consent from CDLK SERVICES, is strictly prohibited and constitutes a breach of intellectual property rights and/or related rights.



CDLK SERVICES reserves the right to correct the website’s content at any time and without notice. Moreover, CDLK SERVICES disclaims any responsibility for delay, error and/or omission in the content of the present webpages or in the event of the interruption or non-availability of the website. Under no circumstances is CDLK SERVICES responsible for hypertexts linked to its webpages from another website. Likewise, CDLK SERVICES is not, under any circumstances, responsible for hypertexts linked from its webpages to another website.



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Use of the website falls entirely under the responsibility of the user. CDLK SERVICES is not liable for direct or indirect damage such as, and in particularly, material damage, loss of data or programs and/or financial loss as a result of the use of this website or websites that are linked thereto. Accordingly, users must ensure that the law of the country where they are located when they connect to the website, authorises the viewing of the website.



The website and the present terms and conditions.